To successfully conform a film or TV series episode, we require:

1. XML, EDL, or AAF files of the film, divided into segments of approximately 20 minutes each. Ideally, segments should be divided without splitting scenes across different parts. For TV series, each episode should be delivered as a whole.
A minimal number of video tracks is preferred:

• V1 - Original footage
• V2 - Additional materials, graphics
• V3 - Titles.

• V1 must contain all original footage, even if it will be replaced by graphics later (exceptions are only for FULL CG shots).
• Audio tracks should be excluded.
• If using EDL, create a separate EDL for each video track.
• When exporting EDL from Premiere, enable the option: USE SOURCE FILE NAME
• When exporting EDL from AVID, enable the option: CLIP NAMES (List Tools: Both Pictures and Sound)
• Precomps and Subclips should be avoided.

Note: If slow-motion footage was accelerated using a subclip to synchronize audio, Avid does not transfer the speed information. These clips need to be re-edited so that the speed adjustment is reflected in the EDL or AAF we receive.

2. References for the segments must exactly match the EDL from point 1, in ProRes Proxy or ProRes DNxHD format, with the master timecode and containing the original file name and its timecode on the screen.

3. If audio is delivered for review or mastering:
As a whole, the timecode across all parts should be continuous.
In segments, each segment should start with its own hour (e.g., 01:00:00:00, 02:00:00:00, etc.).

4. When transferring material to us via FTP, please trim the material with an additional 10-frame handle.

5. For VFX conform, we need access to a Google Sheets document containing the following information:
• Shot name
• Version number
• Reel number (if the film is divided into parts)
• Film timecode where the shot is placed
• Frame count
• Path on our FTP where the shot is uploaded for conform.